COMING DOWNFALL OF THE UNITED STATES: ‘Has the Battle for America Begun?’ – “What is unique about this analysis is the author’s contention that the U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-based financial powers for their own purposes. They know that the U.S. economy is bankrupt, because they have made it so through a quarter century of financial manipulations that have destroyed our manufacturing base and left us horrendously in debt. Now they have suckered us into the last thing we need—a major Asian land war that threatens to bring Russia and perhaps China into the fray. But that’s all right, because once we have exhausted ourselves and courted nuclear retaliation, Europe, which is uniting under the European Union, will likely be left standing, as will Israel…”
(too old to reply)
2008-05-15 02:24:08 UTC
THE DOWNFALL OF THE UNITED STATES: ‘Has the Battle for America Begun?’
– “What is unique about this analysis is the author’s contention that
the U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-based financial
powers for their own purposes. They know that the U.S. economy is
bankrupt, because they have made it so through a quarter century of
financial manipulations that have destroyed our manufacturing base and
left us horrendously in debt. Now they have suckered us into the last
thing we need—a major Asian land war that threatens to bring Russia
and perhaps China into the fray. But that’s all right, because once we
have exhausted ourselves and courted nuclear retaliation, Europe,
which is uniting under the European Union, will likely be left
standing, as will Israel…”

- o O o -

Has the Battle for America Begun?

by Richard C. Cook
Global Research,
May 14, 2008

This article contains several forecasts, including the possible start
of a major war with unforeseeable consequences, if the U.S. should
happen to attack Iran .

Of course it is in the nature of forecasts to be speculative. There
are also forecasts that are intended to serve as warnings and thereby
contribute to preventing the events under analysis from ever taking

The world’s financial elite, long having made their homes in the
metropolises of Western Europe, also with a major branch in New York
City , may be the party that is really behind what could be an attempt
to start World War III by pitting the U.S. against the Asiatic land
powers, most notably Russia

The elite have long viewed control of the vast resource-rich Asian
continent as the key to control of the world, with the fulcrum of
domination being the oil-rich Middle East . Such a war could begin if
the U.S. and Britain follow through by attacking Iran on the heels of
the Afghan and Iraq wars and recent military deployments to the
Persian Gulf region.

The attack may be nuclear, egged on by neocon extremists in the U.S.
and their counterparts in Israel , who may simultaneously carry the
attack to Lebanon and Syria . (See Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, “Beating
the Drums of a Broader Middle East War,” Global Research, May 7,
2008.) These events are closely tied to the U.S. economic recession
now underway and the 2008 presidential election.

What is unique about this analysis is the author’s contention that the
U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-based financial powers
for their own purposes. They know that the U.S. economy is bankrupt,
because they have made it so through a quarter century of financial
manipulations that have destroyed our manufacturing base and left us
horrendously in debt.

Now they have suckered us into the last thing we need—a major Asian
land war that threatens to bring Russia and perhaps China into the
fray. But that’s all right, because once we have exhausted ourselves
and courted nuclear retaliation, Europe, which is uniting under the
European Union, will likely be left standing, as will Israel .

Note that Israel was created by and owes its primary allegiance to the
European financiers, especially those in London , even though the U.S.
has been its primary arms supplier and enabler since the assassination
of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. If the financiers, aided by
Israel , can instigate a major war to get rid of Russia , along with
the U.S. , as world powers, they will have accomplished their

The Unique Status of the U.S. and Russia

The U.S. and Russia are the two great continental powers which up
until about a century ago most stood in the way of the rapacity and
greed of the international financial elite. The people of both nations
have a history of being deeply spiritual, talented and innovative, and
rooted in the land. Both nations tried for a long time to keep Western
Europe , with its history of economic and colonialist imperialism, at
arms length.

Despite the wars and traumas of the 20th century, both the U.S. and
Russia remain cultures where ordinary people have struggled to express
themselves, to learn, to work, and to excel, even with Russia ’s
background of Tsarist and Soviet autocracy. See, for instance, the
writings of Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-).

This heritage is much different from that of the Western European
aristocratic culture with its rigid class divisions, where an
economically powerful oligarchy has controlled society for centuries
and has always managed to stay on top despite wars and revolutions.

The aristocratic tradition is most notable in Great Britain , with the
incredible wealth of the Windsor royal family and the concentric
circles of power and influence which surround it. These circles are
made up of a blend of the old nobility with the more recent additions
of bankers, financiers, industrialists, government executives, media
moguls, and intelligence operatives who continue to control much of
the wealth of the world.

The people who settled America fled that predatory aristocratic
culture to find freedom. It is less well known how Tsarist Russia
resisted Western European domination, but it is a fact that a
longstanding alliance among the House of Romanoff, the Orthodox
Church, the rural nobility, and the peasantry came together to create
a culture that successfully kept that nation free from external
control for most of its history.

European Lust for Control of the Middle East

It was really the European elite, both deeply materialistic and coldly
inhumane, that was responsible for both of the 20th century’s world
wars, for funding the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia , and for
bringing about today’s economic crisis that threatens to reduce to
abject poverty or even starve perhaps half of the world’s population.
Now a third world war threatens, and while it appears on the surface
that the immediate cause may be U.S. ambitions in the Middle East ,
this is a mask for the underlying machinations of the European
controllers who are pulling the strings.

These people couldn’t care less if the U.S. is bankrupted or destroyed
in a larger Asian conflict while engaged in doing their dirty work. In
fact that appears to be the plan. A nation like the U.S. that owes as
much money as it does today to foreigners, including China and Japan
who purchase close to half our national debt, is no longer master of
its own destiny.

The European desire for military conquest of the Middle East dates to
the Crusades which started in the 11th century. By the end of the 18th
century, Great Britain had planted itself on the eastern terminus of
the region through the conquest of India . In 1798, Napoleon invaded
Egypt . World War I saw the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, with
Britain and France redrawing the map of an area consisting of almost a
million square miles. When Israel was founded in 1948, it became a
Western bridgehead.

But today it’s the U.S. , with its bases in Saudi Arabia and the
Persian Gulf, and conquests in Afghanistan and Iraq , that leads the
charge. This is so, even though a glance at the map shows how contrary
to our strategic interests—and how unimaginably expensive—it is for us
to have been drawn into a major open-ended military commitment in this
part of the world. Some call it empire. Rational men call it lunacy.

How has this come about? Since the 1970s, the U.S. has been
dangerously dependent on Middle Eastern oil and on the OPEC nations to
purchase our Treasury bonds. The need to sell our debt abroad came
about late in the Vietnam War when our post-World War II trade surplus
was reversed and the government went deeply into debt to pay for the
war and the growth in income support entitlements.

But there is another explanation for why we are there—pressure from
the Jewish lobby. This lobby acts in the U.S. , perhaps unwittingly
and certainly against its own interests as U.S. citizens, as a
surrogate not only for Israel , but, taking a longer view, also for
the European financial elite who backed the creation of a Jewish
national state in Palestine in the first place.

Of course many Jews, including sizeable numbers in Israel , themselves
no longer believe in policies which have brought them so much ill
repute. Increasingly, people of goodwill, including many of the Jewish
faith, are coming to understand that neither opposition to the abuses
of the financial elite nor questioning the actions of the Israeli
state itself is anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic.

But if events continue in the same direction, the Asiatic land powers,
now loosely organized through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,
which includes China , Russia , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan ,
and Uzbekistan , with Iran as an observer, will have had enough. There
is a line in the sand facing west as well as east. A major war is
clearly on its way which seems to be timed to coincide with the
ongoing economic collapse that is undermining the U.S. economy and
also threatening to plunge much of the world into famine.

Connection with the 2008 Presidential Election

The war scenario is unfolding now and will likely accelerate as we
approach the November presidential election. The actions underway
appear to be designed to present any new president with a fait
accompli, where corrective action is no longer possible. It would be
the last and worst of the catastrophes visited on our nation by the
revolutionary cabal of George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Condoleezza
Rice, and the neocon shock troopers who took over when the Supreme
Court awarded Bush the presidency after the 2000 Florida election
debacle. Within nine months came the 9/11 attacks, followed by wars
against Afghanistan and Iraq using off-the-shelf plans. Next came the
Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Acts.

Now in 2008 the three remaining presidential candidates are all
compromised. Hillary Clinton, with her husband Bill, have long been
servitors of that branch of the international financial elite
headquartered on Wall Street in New York City . Recently, Republican
candidate John McCain traveled to do homage to Israel , then attended
a soiree with the Fourth Baron Rothschild in London . Barack Obama has
also affirmed his loyalty to Israel , though his utterances against
Iran are less vehement than those of Hillary Clinton, who has
threatened to “obliterate” that nation.

Obama appears the most likely to become president, because the
financial controllers, acting through the corporate media, seem to
have designated him as such. Hillary Clinton is under intense pressure
to get out, even though the Democratic race is a virtual dead heat and
she just routed Obama in the West Virginia primary. The latest blow to
Clinton is the endorsement of Obama by John Edwards, the Democrats'
2004 vice presidential candidate.

Obama is the candidate who came out of nowhere because eighty percent
of Americans believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction. He
is the candidate calling for “change,” whatever that means.

Paul Krugman, writing for the New York Times, says, “Mrs. Clinton,
we’re assured by sources right and left, tortures puppies and eats
babies. But her policy proposals continue to be surprisingly bold and
progressive….Mr. Obama is widely portrayed, not least by himself, as a
transformational figure who will usher in a new era. But his actual
policy proposals, though liberal, tend to be cautious and relatively

The determination by the financial controllers that Obama is the
anointed one may also be shown by the entry into the race of former
Georgia congressman Bob Barr as the candidate of the Libertarian
Party. Barr will siphon votes away from John McCain and make Obama’s
election a certainty, just as Ross Perot did with President George
H.W. Bush in 1990, allowing the election to swing to pro-business
Democrat Bill Clinton.

Barr’s entry is no accident and serves multiple purposes. According to
journalist James P. Tucker, Jr., for instance, attendees at an April
25-28 meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Washington , D.C. , made
a determination to stop Republican candidate Dr. Ron Paul’s momentum
in stirring up a political “revolution.” (James P. Tucker, Jr.,
“Trilateral Commission: Global Elite Gather in D.C.,” Global Research,
May 6, 2008)

Dr. Paul, who has been delivering the news that the Federal Reserve by
which the bankers rule should be abolished, and that U.S. foreign
policy based on military conquest of the world should end, has been
causing, according to the Trilateralists cited by Tucker, “significant
future damage.” Bob Barr will doubtless be awarded handsomely for his
trouble in helping de-fuse Dr. Paul’s movement.

Dr. Paul is to be commended for his stance in taking on the
establishment, and from the financiers’ point of view, such populist
uprisings as he is leading obviously must be checked. Using a
Libertarian candidate to do this costs them nothing, as it is almost
comical how the “macho” but outdated laissez-faire economics of the
Libertarians play into the hands of the privately-owned banking system
which makes all the important economic decisions anyway.

Obviously the financial establishment must feel reassured by the
likelihood that Obama really won’t change much of anything. Overseas,
this could make it even more certain that a wider war will start
before the election, so that Obama, being “cautious and relatively
orthodox,” as Krugman says, will go along with whatever scenario he is
handed and so will be handcuffed by events.

The trigger could be a 9/11-type faux attack, possibly a “suitcase”
nuke going off in a U.S. port city, as has been rumored. Other
possible scenarios include an attack on Iran being a cover for the
election to be “stolen” from Obama, or even for the election to be
canceled, with Bush continuing as president. Perhaps this is what
explains Bush’s curious detachment in the face of his coming departure
as the most unpopular president in history. He may even entertain the
psychopathic idea that cancelling the election could be perfectly
“legal” and within his rights as a wartime chief executive. What would
Obama do if faced with such an outrage while out on the campaign
trail? Perhaps nothing.

Meanwhile, Democratic figures in Congress, such as Senator Joe Biden
and Congressman John Conyers, are threatening to impeach President
Bush if he attacks Iran without a congressional resolution.
Unfortunately, the Democrats are totally lacking in credibility given
their failure to force Bush to retreat from Iraq despite their mandate
in the 2006 elections where they regained a majority in both houses.
Bush would probably like nothing more in the waning days of his
presidency than calling their bluff.

A Calamity Rooted in History

Events on this scale take decades or even centuries to develop. In
fact such plans may have been in the works at least since the late
1800s, when three world wars were allegedly forecast by such figures
as the celebrated Confederate general and Freemason Albert Pike,
elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern
Jurisdiction in 1859.

True to Pike’s prediction, 1914-18 saw World War I, which forced the
centuries-old rule of the European landed nobility to accommodate to
the banking elites and to the heads of the industrial cartels which
built the war machines of the combating nations.

According to Benjamin Freedman (1890-1984), an American eye-witness to
events within the Woodrow Wilson administration, Wilson took the U.S.
to war only after being pressured to support Great Britain when the
British agreed to facilitate creation of a Zionist state in
Palestine . The original Zionists, led by Theodor Herzl, had been
favorably disposed to accepting a British offer of virgin land in
Kenya , but the financiers wanted Palestine because of Middle Eastern
oil and proximity to the Suez Canal . The result was the Balfour
Declaration of 1916.

At the end of World War I came the Russian Revolution, when the
financiers paid for the Bolsheviks to destroy the Russian Christian
monarchy of the Romanoffs. Soviet communism was the result. Less than
a generation later another world war was fought, with World War II
ending with the triumph of the U.S. , Britain , France , the Soviet
Union, and China as allies. Afterwards, finance capitalism exerted its
control of the developing world through the International Monetary
Fund and World Bank. According to economist Michael Hudson, the West
declared the existence of a Cold War only after the Soviet Union
refused to accede to U.S. hegemony by joining the IMF. (Michael
Hudson, Superimperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire,

Another major revolution followed World War II, as had happened after
World War I, but this time in China , where the communists under Mao
Tse-Tung took over. In 1948, the nation of Israel was declared, partly
through the instrumentality and wealth of the Third Baron Rothschild,
who was also an MI5 controller and alleged Soviet agent. (See Roland
Perry, The Fifth Man, 1994.)

The key event in how the financial elite gained control over the U.S.
in the postwar world was the 1971 decision by the Nixon administration
to remove the dollar gold peg and allow world currencies to “float.”
After the U.S. agreed to the explosion of OPEC oil prices in the
1970s, dollars flooded the world. (See Richard C. Cook, “Extraordinary
Times, Intentional Collapse, and Takedown of the U.S.A. ,” Global
Research, April 30, 2008.)

In 1979 the Federal Reserve under Paul Volcker plunged the U.S. into
recession to fight the resulting inflation, and the U.S. producing
economy was wrecked. Since that time there has been no real growth of
the U.S. GDP or the standard of living of American workers. Rather a
steady and seemingly irreversible decline has set in under the
euphemistic title of the “service economy.” Since the early 1980s
there has been a constant cycle of inflating and deflating asset
bubbles, with the latest episode being the collapse of the housing
bubble following the ruinous housing and real estate inflation
engineered by Alan Greenspan, Volcker’s successor as head of the
Federal Reserve.

The result of the bubble economy under the Federal Reserve regime
known as “monetarism” has been a debt overhang on the U.S. producing
economy of $50 trillion, four times the nominal GDP of $13 billion.
There is an additional overhang of more than $500 trillion in
derivative speculation worldwide that many legitimate U.S. investors,
including employee pension funds, have been caught up in.

Severe economic distress usually leads to war, with the elite
financing both sides and using the resulting chaos to redraw the map
to their advantage. We have now had two world wars, and the third
appears to be coming. The end result, according to “conspiracy
theorists,” is supposed to be a financial world dictatorship with
Europe ’s financial and hereditary aristocrats at the top of the heap.
The center of this dictatorship would be Northern Europe, with the
focal point being the two-square-mile financial district known as the
City of London . This group also controls the European Union
headquartered in Brussels .

Then what is left of North America, Asia, Africa, and Latin America
would be tightly controlled colonies inhabited by relatively small
numbers of “human cattle” and their overseers. The advanced
technological execution for the machinery of control and oppression
would be the job of professionals in the field, probably including the
British MI5, the CIA, the Israeli Mossad, and private armed
mercenaries like Blackwater and Halliburton.

Dangers of the Present Moment

Whatever may be the murky background of the financiers’ conspiracy of
subversion, what makes the present situation so dangerous is that
entire nations and regions are slipping from their grasp. Russia ,
China , Venezuela , Bolivia , Ecuador , and other nations are becoming
increasingly independent. Meanwhile, as food prices inflate, people in
developing nations are facing starvation, even as Western agribusiness
and oil companies reap record profits. Political upheavals are

It has never been so obvious to so many that Western-style finance
capitalism is ruining the world. An example of the growing awareness
is a new book entitled Currency Wars (Huobi Zhanzheng), written by a
Chinese author who lived in the United States and worked on Wall

According to Asia Times Online (April 8, 2008), Currency Wars “has
become a runaway bestseller in China in the past nine months. The book
caused a sensation of interests and heated discussions in Chinese
cyber space and other media on Western intentions behind its demand
that China quickly appreciate the value of its currency. Song
Hongbing, the book's author, draws from a wide range of literature in
English and argues that the modern history of international finance is
primarily a process of how a very small number of powerful families in
the West have established their control over governments and
international institutions.

“According to Song, there is no such thing as a free market when it
comes to global finance and financial institutions. From the
Rothschild family at the time of the Napoleonic Wars to the rise of
J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and other prominent U.S. financial
powerhouses, Song sees all the modern wars, depressions, and manmade
disasters having a linkage to the manipulation of a handful of Western
private bankers.”

And it’s not only in China . Through the internet, hundreds of
millions of people are wising up to what the central banks and global
corporations run by the world’s super-rich are doing to them.

So the financiers are realizing that things are not going their way.
The world is becoming more diverse. Nations, peoples, and regions long
for freedom and security. Science and technology have the potential to
bring about astounding improvements in the standard of living, as well
as individual knowledge and potency.

There is also a worldwide resurgence of nationalism, for example, in
Russia . After that nation overthrew communism in 1991, the
international financiers attempted to move in through the Russian
oligarchs and take control of the nation’s resources. But a free
election brought Vladimir Putin to power. He succeeded in producing on
Russian soil a nationalist revolution which is loathed by the Western
financier press, such as the Washington Post. Russia today is
regaining its identity and independence.

In East Asia , China is threatening to break out of the system of U.S.
dollar hegemony and use its own currency to bring about commercial
stability in the region. In the Middle East, Iran has yet to cave in
to U.S. pressure, the Palestinians still defy Israel , and in other
areas around the world, including Central Asia, Africa, and Latin
America, movements toward indigenous self-governance threaten to upset
the “ Washington consensus” and introduce a truly multilateral tenor
to world affairs. The euro is also making inroads as an alternative
reserve currency.

Meanwhile, the American colossus is eroding. The U.S. government, with
almost $10 trillion in debt, has been declared functionally bankrupt
by experts. The domestic economy no longer has a manufacturing sector
worth speaking of. Outside of the financial centers on the east and
west coasts, the nation’s business establishment is deeply in debt and
noncompetitive with overseas producers. Public health is declining.

The U.S. financial system began to deflate in the summer of 2007 but
has so far avoided a wholesale crash due to the easy credit policies
of the Federal Reserve in allowing financial institutions to roll over
their debts. This is all likely to terminate after the 2008 election,
when the Federal Reserve stops bailing out the system and real
depression sets in. Simply put, the U.S. population no longer has
anything close to sufficient income to support its accustomed way of
life, especially with the ongoing collapse of the standard of living
due to oil and food price increases.

So the war-mongers may be thinking they must now act before it’s too
late—before a worldwide convulsion throws them from their seats of
power. The time for the financiers to set off the next major
conflagration may have arrived. Naïve American politicians are there,
as always, ready to help, perhaps sensing but not really
acknowledging that they have been led into a trap.

The Real U.S. Strategic Interest

If the next big war starts soon it will likely have been triggered in
order to distract attention from our economic woes. Once chaos sets in
there will be food riots and starvation around the world, including in
America . And yes, the police and military are getting ready. The war
will be a handy excuse to lock up people by using the Patriot Acts and
various executive orders signed by President George W. Bush. Canada
and Israel have already signed a joint public safety “partnership,”
which doubtless includes cooperation with the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.

At this point you would expect American policy-makers to realize that
the U.S. has no strategic interest in maintaining its military forces
overseas in such a vulnerable posture and would start withdrawing. You
would also expect that they would do what President Franklin Roosevelt
did during the New Deal which was to utilize public credit to rebuild
the U.S. public and private infrastructure before the economy
collapses altogether.

The fact that none of the mainstream political leaders, least of all
McCain or the Democratic front-runner Obama, has any intention of
taking such decisive action proves that policy is not being controlled
from within the United States . When a person or a nation fails to act
in its own self-interest, there has to be a reason. That reason is
usually that its actions are controlled from outside.

The fact is that the U.S. economy is controlled by international
finance, not by the U.S. business establishment or by our own
political system. So the U.S. cannot change anything, especially in
taking effective and rational measures to get the nation out of debt.
Similarly in the area of foreign and military affairs, the nation
appears unable to backtrack from its march to catastrophe.

So whether the people of this nation want it or not—and a majority do
not—wars are being waged, with the one against Iran likely to be
followed by a general world conflict—the battle for Asia . It will be
the financiers and their personal military forces—chiefly Israel ,
which is armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons—who will be left to
pick up the pieces once the U.S. and Russia have reduced each other’s
forces to rubble.

Can anything be done? Of course. A U.S. president worthy of the office
would take two immediate actions. The first would be to abolish the
Federal Reserve, as Ron Paul advocates. But instead of hankering for a
Libertarian “free-banking” system more suited to 1830 than to 2008,
“We the People” should demand that our elected representatives in the
White House and Congress use public credit to rebuild our economy and
provide our people with real income security. (See Richard C. Cook,
"An Emergency Program of Monetary Reform for the United States,"
Global Research, April 26, 2007.)

The second immediate action should be to stop trying to conquer the
globe militarily on behalf of alien financial and geopolitical
interests. These measures will also allow the governmental tax burden
to be cut radically, because the main purposes of the income tax are
to pay interest on the national debt and finance wars.

It is now time for all genuine American patriots, including those in
the military, intelligence, and political establishments, as well as
students, workers, employees, managers, industrialists, and retirees
to recognize the crisis and step forward fearlessly to defend the real
interests of our country. Increasingly people are coming to understand
that winning the battle for America requires steadfast opposition to
the cabal which holds power and is ready to throw our nation and its
population to the wolves for a bit of vainglory and thirty pieces of

Unfortunately, it seems to be the way with empires for those in power
to be identified exclusively with their personal self-interest while
the world crashes down around them. People must wake up. The house is
on fire. We can only hope that some still have eyes to see.

Of course everything in Washington could change with a responsible
president who is supported by a new Congress which has the
determination that should be expected after the voters take their
vengeance this November on a Republican Party that Bush, Cheney, and
Rice have tarred with infamy. But then again only if a widened Middle
Eastern war can be prevented between now and then. It could be
prevented if an awakened military loyal to the Constitution refused to
obey the illegal orders of a repudiated lame duck president acting
without congressional authorization.

For the longer-term, we should step back, reassess the geopolitical
outlook, and take the long-overdue step of recognizing who our natural
allies in the world really are. One of these is Russia . Instead of
fighting Russia we should forge a new alliance with that nation with
the aim of securing peace, first in the Middle East and then in the
world. If we want to find an enemy to attack, we should start with
Wall Street, then send an expeditionary force to lay siege to the City
of London .

(Richard C. Cook is a former U.S. federal government analyst, whose
career included service with the U.S. Civil Service Commission, the
Food and Drug Administration, the Carter White House, NASA, and the
U.S. Treasury Department. His articles on economics, politics, and
space policy have appeared on numerous websites. His book on monetary
reform, entitled We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform,
will be published soon by Tendril Press. He is also the author of
Challenger Revealed: An Insider’s Account of How the Reagan
Administration Caused the Greatest Tragedy of the Space Age, called by
one reviewer, “the most important spaceflight book of the last twenty
years.” His Challenger website is at www.richardccook.com. A new
economics website at www.RealSustainableLiving.com is upcoming, with
partner/author Susan Boskey. To get on his mailing list, for questions
and comments, or to pre-purchase copies of his new book, write
***@gmail.com )

SOURCE: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8977

(This news item is posted under ‘Fair Use’ provisions)

- o O o -

Directive: U.S. War Plans Targeting Iran Are All About "Protecting"
Israel’ http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=12827

‘Target: Iran? On Israel's 60th Birthday, The Jewish State May Be
Readying For Its Biggest Fight Yet. What That Could Mean For The Next
American President.' http://www.newsweek.com/id/136065

(I don't agree with its 'Irresistible Push For War' premise, but this
article makes some valid points - so wake up and GET ACTIVE to
massively protest and prevent this next planned war crime!) 'Why All
of Our Efforts Won’t Stop the Attack on Iran'

- o O o -


‘Backing Into War: Israel's Strike on Syria, a Precurser To Iran

'Pakistan Warns Against Attack On Iran'

See Also:

'Israel Will Not Tolerate Nuclear Iran: Olmert’

Goebbels himself would be proud of this Big Lie!
Pure Propaganda - The Oft-Repeated False Charge That Iran Has
Threatened To "Wipe Israel Off The Map" http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/GEO237.HTM

The REAL Truth: Iran Has Never Threatened To Attack Israel
Preemptively, But Nuclear-Armed Israel HAS Threatened Iran With
And Destruction!

'Olmert: We Still Opt For Iran Attack'

Israeli Minister Threatens "Destruction Of The Iranian Nation"

In case you missed these….

IRAN WAR SCOOP BY EX-CIA OFFICER: ‘War With Iran Might Be Closer Than
You Think’

U.S. AIR PRACTICES FOR IRAN RAID? ‘Early Warning: A Secret
Afghanistan Mission Prepares for War with Iran’

AN ISRAELI AND U.S.ATTACK ON IRAN? - "It's still not really beyond
Bush and Cheney to order a full-scale preemptive attack on Iran. But
the more likely scenario is that there will be an asymmetrical U.S.
response to a (possibly trumped-up) Iranian provocation. And the most
likely scenario is that the United States will encourage (or certainly
not oppose) an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities - which in
turn would lead the United States to come to Israel's defense should
Iran strike back."
- o O o -

‘U.S. Prophesizes Iran Striking Back’

‘Report: U.S. Convenes On Iran War Scenario’

Attacking Iran; ‘Neocons And The Truth: Bitter Enemies To The End’

‘Is War With Iran Imminent?’- Justin Raimondo

‘The Iraq War Morphs Into The Iranian War’

'Israel Preparing To Bomb Iran Nuclear Sites'

'Joint Chiefs Chairman Says U.S. Preparing Military Options Against
Iran' http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/25/AR2008042501480_pf.html

‘FEMA To Help Run 8-Day Disaster And Terror Drill Covering U.S. (And
Canada Command) In May’ http://www.roguegovernment.com/news.php?id=8679

See Also:

'Was April 20th The Original Date Of The Planned U.S. 'Air Strike' On
Iran?' http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/IRANPLAN.HTM

'Is A U.S./Israeli Air Strike On Iran Drawing Steadily Closer?' (News
Updates) http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/IRANWAR.HTM
- o O o –
'Bush Was Prepared To Go Nuclear: Afghanistan Was To Have Been A NWO
Object Lesson!’ http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/NUCLEAR.HTM.

‘The Plan For Three World Wars’

Elitist Blueprint For World Government Revealed

'Astounding Quotes From The Political And Financial Elite On The
Planned New World Order' http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/TRAGEDY.HTM

Archived ‘New World Order Intelligence Update’ Articles on the ‘New
World Order’

The Elite’s Secretive Plan For A ‘North American Union’

'The 1935 U.S. War Plan For The Invasion Of Canada'

'Canadian Troops To Police U.S. Cities During Martial Law;
U.S. Troops To Seize Strategic James Bay Hydro Plant If Quebec

'The Grand Canal - The Elite's Continent-Reshaping, Climate-Altering
Water-Diversion Plan Will Turn Canadian Water Into 'Liquid Gold' From
James Bay To Mexico!'

The Elite’s “Newstates’ Constitution For The Coming ‘United States Of
North America’

For related reports, see:

Bankrupt U.S.A. Covets Iran’s Oil….

'Sorting Through The Rubble In Post-Bubble America'

'The Coming U.S. Economic and Financial Meltdown'

'The U.S. Economic and Financial Meltdown Accelerates'

'No End In Sight As U.S. Financial Crisis Deepens'

'Global Starvation - Coming Soon To Europe And North America, Too?'

'The Coming Great Food Shortages In America' by Texe Marrs

…And the likely response to an economic or financial crisis by ‘El
Presidente’ Bush?

George W. Bush: Constitution of the United States is just a
piece of paper."

'General Tommy Franks Says U.S. Constitution May Not Survive, Sees
Possible Military Form Of Government In The United States'

'Concentration Camps in America? Martial Law Civilian Detention

'Astonishing 1987 ‘Miami Herald’ News Report Reveals Existence Of A
'Secret Government', Plus Plans To Suspend Constitution, Impose
Martial Law, And Activate Civilian Detention Centers'

U.S. Congressman: American Concentration Camps "On The Books”

'More Preparations For U.S. Martial Law'
http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/MOREMART.HTM (Must reading!)

'FEMA: America's Secret Government-In-Waiting'

'War Is A Racket' by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

'Chemtrails: Are They For Climate Control, Weather Modification,
'Black Ops' Or For Biological Warfare And Mass Vaccine Testing?' (see
the recently-added stunning photos of a chemtrail tanker creating a
'Chemtrail X' in the skies over Toronto, Canada!)

- o O o -

Visit our invaluable archive of Articles on the New World Order

You'll find a wide range of free online Classic History books (on
English history, American History, Canadian History, European
Napoleonic History, Russian History, German History, Greek and Roman
History), plus the books of Jane Austen, at http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/freehist.htm

For free online Classic Travel Books,

For free online Classic Christian Books,

- o O o -

These serious allegations, involving the alleged ‘sale’ of nuclear
secrets, reach right to the top of the U.S. government. The
prestigious London ‘Sunday Times’ first broke this blockbuster story
on 6th January, 2008 – it has been completely ‘blacked out’ by the
U.S. media and wire services!

For news headline and blogger article links on the recent sensational
‘U.S. Nuclear Treason And Betrayal’ revelations of Sibel Edmonds, the
ex-FBI whistleblower who has been called ‘The most-gagged woman in
America’, go to http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/EDMONDS.HTM

“If you made public all the information that the FBI have on this
case, you will see very high-level people going through criminal
trials” – Sibel Edmonds
2008-05-15 04:28:39 UTC







2008-05-15 22:38:17 UTC
Begun?’ – “What is unique about this analysis is the author’s
contention that the U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-
based financial powers for their own purposes. They know that the U.S.
economy is bankrupt, because they have made it so through a quarter
century of financial manipulations that have destroyed our
manufacturing base and left us horrendously in debt. Now they have
suckered us into the last thing we need—a major Asian land war that
threatens to bring Russia and perhaps China into the fray. But that’s
all right, because once we have exhausted ourselves and courted
nuclear retaliation, Europe, which is uniting under the European
Union, will likely be left standing, as will Israel…”
: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8977

Prime Minister Maliki Stalls U.S. Plan to Frame Iran’ - ‘The Myth of
the Iranian Sanctuary’ - ‘American Jewish Groups Break With Hawks’

- o O o -

Maliki Stalls U.S. Plan to Frame Iran

by Gareth Porter,
15 May, 2008.

Early this month, the George W. Bush administration's plan to create a
new crescendo of accusations against Iran for allegedly smuggling arms
to Shiite militias in Iraq encountered not just one but two setbacks.

The government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki refused to endorse US
charges of Iranian involvement in arms smuggling to the Mahdi Army,
and a plan to show off a huge collection of Iranian arms captured in
and around Karbala had to be called off after it was discovered that
none of the arms were of Iranian origin.

The news media's failure to report that the arms captured from Shiite
militiamen in Karbala did not include a single Iranian weapon shielded
the US military from a much bigger blow to its anti-Iran strategy.

The Bush administration and top Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus had
plotted a sequence of events that would build domestic US political
support for a possible strike against Iran over its "meddling" in Iraq
and especially its alleged export of arms to Shiite militias.

The plan was keyed to a briefing document to be prepared by Petraeus
on the alleged Iranian role in arming and training Shiite militias
that would be surfaced publicly after the al-Maliki government had
endorsed it and it used to accuse Iran publicly.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, told
reporters on Apr. 25 that Petraeus was preparing a briefing to be
given "in the next couple of weeks" that would provide detailed
evidence of "just how far Iran is reaching into Iraq to foment
instability." The centerpiece of the Petraeus document, completed in
late April, was the claim that arms captured in Basra bore 2008
manufacture dates on them.

US officials also planned to display Iranian weapons captured in both
Basra and Karbala to reporters. That sequence of media events would
fill the airwaves with spectacular news framing Iran as the culprit in
Iraq for several days, aimed at breaking down Congressional and public
resistance to the idea that Iranian bases supporting the meddling
would have to be attacked.

But events in Iraq diverged from the plan. On May 4, after an Iraqi
delegation had returned from meetings in Iran, al-Maliki's spokesman,
Ali al-Dabbagh, said in a news conference that al-Maliki was forming
his own Cabinet committee to investigate the US claims. "We want to
find tangible information and not information based on speculation,"
he said.

Another adviser to al-Maliki, Haider Abadi, told the Los Angeles
Times' Alexandra Zavis that Iranian officials had given the delegation
evidence disproving the charges. "For us to be impartial, we have to
investigate," Abadi said.

Al-Dabbagh made it clear that the government considered the US
evidence of Iranian government arms smuggling insufficient. "The proof
we have is weapons which are shown to have been made in Iran," al-
Dabbagh said in a separate interview with Reuters. "We want to trace
back how they reached [Iraq], who is using them, where are they
getting it."

Senior US military officials were clearly furious with al-Maliki for
backtracking on the issue. "We were blindsided by this," one of them
told Zavis…

SOURCE: Continue reading this article at http://www.AntiWar.Com
Direct article link is: http://www.antiwar.com/porter/?articleid=12841

See also:

‘The Myth Of The Iranian Sanctuary’

‘American Jewish Groups Break With Hawks’

- o O o -

Directive: U.S. War Plans Targeting Iran Are All About "Protecting"
Israel’ http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=12827

‘Target: Iran? On Israel's 60th Birthday, The Jewish State May Be
Readying For Its Biggest Fight Yet. What That Could Mean For The Next
American President.' http://www.newsweek.com/id/136065

(I don't agree with its 'Irresistible Push For War' premise, but this
article makes some valid points - so wake up and GET ACTIVE to
massively protest and prevent this next planned war crime!) 'Why All
of Our Efforts Won’t Stop the Attack on Iran'

- o O o
‘Backing Into War: Israel's Strike on Syria, a Precurser To Iran

'Pakistan Warns Against Attack On Iran'

See Also:

'Israel Will Not Tolerate Nuclear Iran: Olmert’

Goebbels himself would be proud of this Big Lie!
Pure Propaganda - The Oft-Repeated False Charge That Iran Has
Threatened To "Wipe Israel Off The Map" http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/GEO237.HTM

The REAL Truth: Iran Has never Threatened To Attack Israel
Preemptively, But Nuclear-Armed Israel HAS Threatened Iran With
And Destruction!

'Olmert: We Still Opt For Iran Attack'

Israeli Minister Threatens "Destruction Of The Iranian Nation"

In case you missed these….

IRAN WAR SCOOP BY EX-CIA OFFICER: ‘War With Iran Might Be Closer Than
You Think’

U.S. AIR PRACTICES FOR IRAN RAID? ‘Early Warning: A Secret
Afghanistan Mission Prepares for War with Iran’

AN ISRAELI AND U.S.ATTACK ON IRAN? - "It's still not really beyond
Bush and Cheney to order a full-scale preemptive attack on Iran. But
the more likely scenario is that there will be an asymmetrical U.S.
response to a (possibly trumped-up) Iranian provocation. And the most
likely scenario is that the United States will encourage (or certainly
not oppose) an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities - which in
turn would lead the United States to come to Israel's defense should
Iran strike back."

- o O o -

‘U.S. Prophesizes Iran Striking Back’

‘Report: U.S. Convenes On Iran War Scenario’

Attacking Iran; ‘Neocons And The Truth: Bitter Enemies To The End’

‘Is War With Iran Imminent?’- Justin Raimondo

‘The Iraq War Morphs Into The Iranian War’

'Israel Preparing To Bomb Iran Nuclear Sites'

'Joint Chiefs Chairman Says U.S. Preparing Military Options Against
Iran' http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/25/AR2008042501480_pf.html

‘FEMA To Help Run 8-Day Disaster And Terror Drill Covering U.S. (And
Canada Command) In May’ http://www.roguegovernment.com/news.php?id=8679

See Also:

'Was April 20th The Original Date Of The Planned U.S. 'Air Strike' On
Iran?' http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/IRANPLAN.HTM

'Is A U.S./Israeli Air Strike On Iran Drawing Steadily Closer?' (News
Updates) http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/IRANWAR.HTM

- o O o

'Bush Was Prepared To Go Nuclear: Afghanistan Was To Have Been A NWO
Object Lesson!’ http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/NUCLEAR.HTM.

‘The Plan For Three World Wars’

Elitist Blueprint For World Government Revealed

'Astounding Quotes From The Political And Financial Elite On The
Planned New World Order' http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/TRAGEDY.HTM

Archived ‘New World Order Intelligence Update’ Articles on the ‘New
World Order’

The Elite’s Secretive Plan For A ‘North American Union’

'The 1935 U.S. War Plan For The Invasion Of Canada'

'Canadian Troops To Police U.S. Cities During Martial Law;
U.S. Troops To Seize Strategic James Bay Hydro Plant If Quebec

'The Grand Canal - The Elite's Continent-Reshaping, Climate-Altering
Water-Diversion Plan Will Turn Canadian Water Into 'Liquid Gold' From
James Bay To Mexico!'

The Elite’s “Newstates’ Constitution For The Coming ‘United States Of
North America’

For related reports, see:

Bankrupt U.S.A. Covets Iran’s Oil….

'Sorting Through The Rubble In Post-Bubble America'

'The Coming U.S. Economic and Financial Meltdown'

'The U.S. Economic and Financial Meltdown Accelerates'

'No End In Sight As U.S. Financial Crisis Deepens'

'Global Starvation - Coming Soon To Europe And North America, Too?'

'The Coming Great Food Shortages In America' by Texe Marrs

THE DOWNFALL OF THE UNITED STATES: ‘Has the Battle for America Begun?’
– “What is unique about this analysis is the author’s contention that
the U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-based financial
powers for their own purposes. They know that the U.S. economy is
bankrupt, because they have made it so through a quarter century of
financial manipulations that have destroyed our manufacturing base and
left us horrendously in debt. Now they have suckered us into the last
thing we need—a major Asian land war that threatens to bring Russia
and perhaps China into the fray. But that’s all right, because once we
have exhausted ourselves and courted nuclear retaliation, Europe,
which is uniting under the European Union, will likely be left
standing, as will Israel…”
: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8977

…And the likely response to an economic or financial crisis by ‘El
Presidente’ Bush?

George W. Bush: Constitution of the United States is just a
piece of paper."

'General Tommy Franks Says U.S. Constitution May Not Survive, Sees
Possible Military Form Of Government In The United States'

'Concentration Camps in America? Martial Law Civilian Detention

'Astonishing 1987 ‘Miami Herald’ News Report Reveals Existence Of A
'Secret Government', Plus Plans To Suspend Constitution, Impose
Martial Law, And Activate Civilian Detention Centers'

U.S. Congressman: American Concentration Camps "On The Books”

'More Preparations For U.S. Martial Law'
http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/MOREMART.HTM (Must reading!)

'FEMA: America's Secret Government-In-Waiting'

'War Is A Racket' by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

'Chemtrails: Are They For Climate Control, Weather Modification,
'Black Ops' Or For Biological Warfare And Mass Vaccine Testing?' (see
the recently-added stunning photos of a chemtrail tanker creating a
'Chemtrail X' in the skies over Toronto, Canada!)

FUTURE HACKER? - ‘Air Force Aims for 'Full Control' of 'Any and All'
Computers’ – ‘U.S. Domestic Spying Far Outpaces Terrorism
Prosecutions: As More Americans Are watched, Fewer Cases Are Made. The
Trend Concerns Civil Liberties Groups As Well As Some Lawmakers And
Legal Experts.’

- o O o -
Visit our invaluable archive of Articles on the New World Order

You'll find a wide range of free online Classic History books (on
English history, American History, Canadian History, European
Napoleonic History, Russian History, German History, Greek and Roman
History), plus the books of Jane Austen, at http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/freehist.htm

For free online Classic Travel Books,

For free online Classic Christian Books,

- o O o -

These serious allegations, involving the alleged ‘sale’ of nuclear
secrets, reach right to the top of the U.S. government. The
prestigious London ‘Sunday Times’ first broke this blockbuster story
on 6th January, 2008 – it has been completely ‘blacked out’ by the
U.S. media and wire services!

For news headline and blogger article links on the recent sensational
‘U.S. Nuclear Treason And Betrayal’ revelations of Sibel Edmonds, the
ex-FBI whistleblower who has been called ‘The most-gagged woman in
America’, go to http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/EDMONDS.HTM

“If you made public all the information that the FBI have on this
case, you will see very high-level people going through criminal
trials” – Sibel Edmonds
2008-05-16 02:31:14 UTC
Mohammed the Holy Fucker
2008-05-16 08:51:31 UTC
it is more likely the battle for the supremacy of world
between the Euro and the Dollar .

the real estates housing problems will bring down the Dollars
and the Swiss banking money power,

the Euro will benefit from these American housing disasters
when the
US$ will loose the purchasing powers and the Euro will gain
purchasing powers.

the Euro is also challenging the US for medium size planes ,
the Euro will sell the New A400M to replace the US C130 by
Lockheed .

so in the next 2 decades , the Euro currency will challenge
the US$ by taking away the market for US made planes.

the A380 and the A400 , will compete and destroy the American
US$ -- B747 and C130 .
so in the Future , Oil might also be quoted widely in Euro .
Post by Whileyouslept
THE DOWNFALL OF THE UNITED STATES: ‘Has the Battle for America Begun?’
– “What is unique about this analysis is the author’s contention that
the U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-based financial
powers for their own purposes. They know that the U.S. economy is
bankrupt, because they have made it so through a quarter century of
financial manipulations that have destroyed our manufacturing base and
left us horrendously in debt. Now they have suckered us into the last
thing we need—a major Asian land war that threatens to bring Russia
and perhaps China into the fray. But that’s all right, because once we
have exhausted ourselves and courted nuclear retaliation, Europe,
which is uniting under the European Union, will likely be left
standing, as will Israel…”
                                                 - o O o -
Has the Battle for America Begun?
by Richard C. Cook
Global Research,
May 14, 2008
This article contains several forecasts, including the possible start
of a major war with unforeseeable consequences, if the U.S. should
happen to attack Iran .
Of course it is in the nature of forecasts to be speculative. There
are also forecasts that are intended to serve as warnings and thereby
contribute to preventing the events under analysis from ever taking
The world’s financial elite, long having made their homes in the
metropolises of Western Europe, also with a major branch in New York
City , may be the party that is really behind what could be an attempt
to start World War III by pitting the U.S. against the Asiatic land
powers, most notably Russia
The elite have long viewed control of the vast resource-rich Asian
continent as the key to control of the world, with the fulcrum of
domination being the oil-rich Middle East . Such a war could begin if
the U.S. and Britain follow through by attacking Iran on the heels of
the Afghan and Iraq  wars and recent military deployments to the
Persian Gulf region.
The attack may be nuclear, egged on by neocon extremists in the U.S.
and their counterparts in Israel , who may simultaneously carry the
attack to Lebanon and Syria . (See Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, “Beating
the Drums of a Broader Middle East War,” Global Research, May 7,
2008.) These events are closely tied to the U.S. economic recession
now underway and the 2008 presidential election.
What is unique about this analysis is the author’s contention that the
U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-based financial powers
for their own purposes. They know that the U.S. economy is bankrupt,
because they have made it so through a quarter century of financial
manipulations that have destroyed our manufacturing base and left us
horrendously in debt.
Now they have suckered us into the last thing we need—a major Asian
land war that threatens to bring Russia and perhaps China into the
fray. But that’s all right, because once we have exhausted ourselves
and courted nuclear retaliation, Europe, which is uniting under the
European Union, will likely be left standing, as will Israel .
Note that Israel was created by and owes its primary allegiance to the
European financiers, especially those in London , even though the U.S.
has been its primary arms supplier and enabler since the assassination
of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. If the financiers, aided by
Israel , can instigate a major war to get rid of Russia , along with
the U.S. , as world powers, they will have accomplished their
The Unique Status of the U.S. and Russia
The U.S. and Russia are the two great continental powers which up
until about a century ago most stood in the way of the rapacity and
greed of the international financial elite. The people of both nations
have a history of being deeply spiritual, talented and innovative, and
rooted in the land. Both nations tried for a long time to keep Western
Europe , with its history of economic and colonialist imperialism, at
arms length.
Despite the wars and traumas of the 20th century, both the U.S. and
Russia remain cultures where ordinary people have struggled to express
themselves, to learn, to work, and to excel, even with Russia ’s
background of Tsarist and Soviet autocracy. See, for instance, the
writings of Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-).
This heritage is much different from that of the Western European
aristocratic culture with its rigid class divisions, where an
economically powerful oligarchy has controlled society for centuries
and has always managed to stay on top despite wars and revolutions.
The aristocratic tradition is most notable in Great Britain , with the
incredible wealth of the Windsor royal family and the concentric
circles of power and influence which surround it. These circles are
made up of a blend of the old nobility with the more recent additions
of bankers, financiers, industrialists, government executives, media
moguls, and intelligence operatives who continue to control much of
the wealth of the world.
The people who settled America fled that predatory aristocratic
culture to find freedom. It is less well known how Tsarist Russia
resisted Western European domination, but it is a fact that a
longstanding alliance among the House of Romanoff, the Orthodox
Church, the rural nobility, and the peasantry came together to create
a culture that successfully kept that nation free from external
control for most of its history.
European Lust for Control of the Middle East
It was really the European elite, both deeply materialistic and coldly
inhumane, that was responsible for both of the 20th century’s world
wars, for funding the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia , and for
bringing about today’s economic crisis that threatens to reduce to
abject poverty or even starve perhaps half of the world’s population.
Now a third world war threatens, and while it appears on the surface
that the immediate cause may be U.S. ambitions in the Middle East ,
this is a mask for the underlying machinations of the European
controllers who are pulling the strings.
These people couldn’t care less if the U.S. is bankrupted or destroyed
in a larger Asian conflict while engaged in doing their dirty work. In
fact that appears to be the plan. A nation like the U.S. that owes as
much money as it does today to foreigners, including China and Japan
who purchase close to half our national debt, is no longer master of
its own destiny.
The European desire for military conquest of the Middle East dates to
the Crusades which started in the 11th century. By the end of the 18th
century, Great Britain had planted itself on the eastern terminus of
the region through the conquest of India . In 1798, Napoleon invaded
Egypt . World War I saw the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, with
Britain and France redrawing the map of an area consisting of almost a
million square miles. When Israel was founded in 1948, it became a
Western bridgehead.
But today it’s the U.S. , with its bases in Saudi Arabia and the
Persian Gulf, and  conquests in Afghanistan and Iraq , that leads the
charge. This is so, even though a glance at the map shows how contrary
to our strategic interests—and how unimaginably expensive—it is for us
to have been drawn into a major open-ended military commitment in this
part of the world. Some call it empire. Rational men call it lunacy.
How has this come about? Since the 1970s, the U.S. has been
dangerously dependent on Middle Eastern oil and on the OPEC nations to
purchase our Treasury bonds. The need to sell our debt abroad came
about late in the Vietnam War when our post-World War II trade surplus
was reversed and the government went deeply into debt to pay for the
war and the growth in income support entitlements.
But there is another explanation for why we are there—pressure from
the Jewish lobby. This lobby acts in the U.S. , perhaps unwittingly
and certainly against its own interests as U.S. citizens, as a
surrogate not only for Israel , but, taking a longer view, also for
the European financial elite who backed the creation of a Jewish
national state in Palestine in the first place.
Of course many Jews, including sizeable numbers in Israel , themselves
no longer believe in policies which have brought them so much ill
repute. Increasingly, people of goodwill, including many of the Jewish
faith, are coming to understand that neither opposition to the abuses
of the financial elite nor questioning the actions of the Israeli
state itself is anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic.
But if events continue in the same direction, the Asiatic land powers,
now loosely organized through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,
which includes China , Russia , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan ,
and Uzbekistan , with Iran as an observer, will have had enough. There
is a line in the sand facing west as well as east. A major war is
clearly on its way which seems to be timed to coincide with the
ongoing economic collapse that is undermining the U.S. economy and
also threatening to plunge much of the world into famine.
Connection with the 2008 Presidential Election
The war scenario is unfolding now and will likely accelerate as we
approach the November presidential election. The actions underway
appear to be designed to present any new president with a fait
accompli, where corrective action is no longer possible. It would be
the last and worst of the catastrophes visited on our nation by the
revolutionary cabal of George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Condoleezza
Rice, and the neocon shock troopers who took over when the Supreme
Court awarded Bush the presidency after the 2000 Florida election
debacle. Within nine months came the 9/11 attacks, followed by wars
against Afghanistan and Iraq using off-the-shelf plans. Next came the
Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Acts.
Now in 2008 the three remaining presidential candidates are all
compromised. Hillary Clinton, with her husband Bill, have long been
servitors of that branch ...
read more »
2008-05-16 17:31:16 UTC
it  is  more  likely  the  battle  for  the  supremacy  of world
 between the Euro  and  the  Dollar .
the real  estates  housing  problems  will  bring  down the  Dollars
and the  Swiss  banking  money power,
the  Euro  will benefit   from  these  American  housing  disasters
when the
US$  will  loose  the  purchasing powers  and the  Euro  will  gain
purchasing powers.
the  Euro is  also  challenging  the  US  for  medium  size  planes ,
the Euro  will  sell  the  New  A400M to replace the  US  C130  by
Lockheed .
so in the  next  2  decades , the Euro  currency  will  challenge
 the  US$  by  taking  away  the market  for  US  made  planes.
the A380  and  the  A400 ,  will compete  and  destroy  the  American
Don't forget the C380, the Chinese version of the A380.
US$   --   B747  and  C130 .
so in the  Future ,  Oil  might  also  be  quoted  widely  in Euro .
Post by Whileyouslept
THE DOWNFALL OF THE UNITED STATES: ‘Has the Battle for America Begun?’
– “What is unique about this analysis is the author’s contention that
the U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-based financial
powers for their own purposes. They know that the U.S. economy is
bankrupt, because they have made it so through a quarter century of
financial manipulations that have destroyed our manufacturing base and
left us horrendously in debt. Now they have suckered us into the last
thing we need—a major Asian land war that threatens to bring Russia
and perhaps China into the fray. But that’s all right, because once we
have exhausted ourselves and courted nuclear retaliation, Europe,
which is uniting under the European Union, will likely be left
standing, as will Israel…”
Has the Battle for America Begun?
by Richard C. Cook
Global Research,
May 14, 2008
This article contains several forecasts, including the possible start
of a major war with unforeseeable consequences, if the U.S. should
happen to attack Iran .
Of course it is in the nature of forecasts to be speculative. There
are also forecasts that are intended to serve as warnings and thereby
contribute to preventing the events under analysis from ever taking
The world’s financial elite, long having made their homes in the
metropolises of Western Europe, also with a major branch in New York
City , may be the party that is really behind what could be an attempt
to start World War III by pitting the U.S. against the Asiatic land
powers, most notably Russia
The elite have long viewed control of the vast resource-rich Asian
continent as the key to control of the world, with the fulcrum of
domination being the oil-rich Middle East . Such a war could begin if
the U.S. and Britain follow through by attacking Iran on the heels of
the Afghan and Iraq  wars and recent military deployments to the
Persian Gulf region.
The attack may be nuclear, egged on by neocon extremists in the U.S.
and their counterparts in Israel , who may simultaneously carry the
attack to Lebanon and Syria . (See Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, “Beating
the Drums of a Broader Middle East War,” Global Research, May 7,
2008.) These events are closely tied to the U.S. economic recession
now underway and the 2008 presidential election.
What is unique about this analysis is the author’s contention that the
U.S. is being used unwittingly by the European-based financial powers
for their own purposes. They know that the U.S. economy is bankrupt,
because they have made it so through a quarter century of financial
manipulations that have destroyed our manufacturing base and left us
horrendously in debt.
Now they have suckered us into the last thing we need—a major Asian
land war that threatens to bring Russia and perhaps China into the
fray. But that’s all right, because once we have exhausted ourselves
and courted nuclear retaliation, Europe, which is uniting under the
European Union, will likely be left standing, as will Israel .
Note that Israel was created by and owes its primary allegiance to the
European financiers, especially those in London , even though the U.S.
has been its primary arms supplier and enabler since the assassination
of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. If the financiers, aided by
Israel , can instigate a major war to get rid of Russia , along with
the U.S. , as world powers, they will have accomplished their
The Unique Status of the U.S. and Russia
The U.S. and Russia are the two great continental powers which up
until about a century ago most stood in the way of the rapacity and
greed of the international financial elite. The people of both nations
have a history of being deeply spiritual, talented and innovative, and
rooted in the land. Both nations tried for a long time to keep Western
Europe , with its history of economic and colonialist imperialism, at
arms length.
Despite the wars and traumas of the 20th century, both the U.S. and
Russia remain cultures where ordinary people have struggled to express
themselves, to learn, to work, and to excel, even with Russia ’s
background of Tsarist and Soviet autocracy. See, for instance, the
writings of Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-).
This heritage is much different from that of the Western European
aristocratic culture with its rigid class divisions, where an
economically powerful oligarchy has controlled society for centuries
and has always managed to stay on top despite wars and revolutions.
The aristocratic tradition is most notable in Great Britain , with the
incredible wealth of the Windsor royal family and the concentric
circles of power and influence which surround it. These circles are
made up of a blend of the old nobility with the more recent additions
of bankers, financiers, industrialists, government executives, media
moguls, and intelligence operatives who continue to control much of
the wealth of the world.
The people who settled America fled that predatory aristocratic
culture to find freedom. It is less well known how Tsarist Russia
resisted Western European domination, but it is a fact that a
longstanding alliance among the House of Romanoff, the Orthodox
Church, the rural nobility, and the peasantry came together to create
a culture that successfully kept that nation free from external
control for most of its history.
European Lust for Control of the Middle East
It was really the European elite, both deeply materialistic and coldly
inhumane, that was responsible for both of the 20th century’s world
wars, for funding the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia , and for
bringing about today’s economic crisis that threatens to reduce to
abject poverty or even starve perhaps half of the world’s population.
Now a third world war threatens, and while it appears on the surface
that the immediate cause may be U.S. ambitions in the Middle East ,
this is a mask for the underlying machinations of the European
controllers who are pulling the strings.
These people couldn’t care less if the U.S. is bankrupted or destroyed
in a larger Asian conflict while engaged in doing their dirty work. In
fact that appears to be the plan. A nation like the U.S. that owes as
much money as it does today to foreigners, including China and Japan
who purchase close to half our national debt, is no longer master of
its own destiny.
The European desire for military conquest of the Middle East dates to
the Crusades which started in the 11th century. By the end of the 18th
century, Great Britain had planted itself on the eastern terminus of
the region through the conquest of India . In 1798, Napoleon invaded
Egypt . World War I saw the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, with
Britain and France redrawing the map of an area consisting of almost a
million square miles. When Israel was founded in 1948, it became a
Western bridgehead.
But today it’s the U.S. , with its bases in Saudi Arabia and the
Persian Gulf, and  conquests in Afghanistan and Iraq , that leads the
charge. This is so, even though a glance at the map shows how contrary
to our strategic interests—and how unimaginably expensive—it is for us
to have been drawn into a major open-ended military commitment in this
part of the world. Some call it empire. Rational men call it lunacy.
How has this come about? Since the 1970s, the U.S. has been
dangerously dependent on Middle Eastern oil and on the OPEC nations to
purchase our Treasury bonds. The need to sell our debt abroad came
about late in the Vietnam War when our post-World War II trade surplus
was reversed and the government went deeply into debt to pay for the
war and the growth in income support entitlements.
But there is another explanation for why we are there—pressure from
the Jewish lobby. This lobby acts in the U.S. , perhaps unwittingly
and certainly against its own interests as U.S. citizens, as a
surrogate not only for Israel , but, taking a longer view, also for
the European financial elite who backed the creation of a Jewish
national state in Palestine in the first place.
Of course many Jews, including sizeable numbers in Israel , themselves
no longer believe in policies which have brought them so much ill
Israel is an island in the sea of Muslims. Israel can not survive.
Post by Whileyouslept
repute. Increasingly, people of goodwill, including many of the Jewish
faith, are coming to understand that neither opposition to the abuses
of the financial elite nor questioning the actions of the Israeli
state itself is anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic.
But if events continue in the same direction, the Asiatic land powers,
now loosely organized through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,
which includes China , Russia , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan ,
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