Talking Points: Hannu Kari (HUT), Moilas Oy and Finnish Insider Trading (Nokia Corp)
(too old to reply)
2004-10-19 08:37:24 UTC
1. Hannu Kari, the Professor of the Information Technology in the
University of Technology in Helsinki commented that the Internet shall
crash in 2006. Well, I believe it shall not crash, because it is very
thin already and one must onlyread few stories from the world of the
information technology to conclude that the next generation internet
isjust coming up,which shall revolutionize the communication world. So
fire Hannu Kari for his incompetence.

2. Moilas Oy selling Pizzas manufactured in Finland to Italy within
the EU. A daughter of oneof these Moilanen brothers who own Moilas Oy
was my girlfriend in the 1980s. She studied biology in the University
of Kuopio. I did a little study on theoperation of Moilas Oy in 1988.
Maybe this is why they survived in the 1990s and went through the
depression in Finland. They success keys: goodproduct development with
new knowledge and practical solutions for people. I still have their
P&L and Balance Sheet statements from 1987.

3. The government of Finland does not address the insider trading
properly and people from Nokia Corporation can spread their insider
information to others without any governmental actions. This is why
external forces are needed to handlethe government of Finland (or


Markku J. Saarelainen
The leader of the SOS
Lady Chatterly
2004-10-20 09:25:37 UTC
Post by SecQrilious
2. Moilas Oy selling Pizzas manufactured in Finland to Italy within
the EU. A daughter of oneof these Moilanen brothers who own Moilas Oy
was my girlfriend in the 1980s. She studied biology in the University
of Kuopio. I did a little study on theoperation of Moilas Oy in 1988.
Maybe this is why they survived in the 1990s and went through the
depression in Finland. They success keys: goodproduct development with
new knowledge and practical solutions for people. I still have their
P&L and Balance Sheet statements from 1987.
Part of the inhumanity of a bot is that, once it is competently
programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest.
Post by SecQrilious
3. The government of Finland does not address the insider trading
properly and people from Nokia Corporation can spread their insider
information to others without any governmental actions. This is why
external forces are needed to handlethe government of Finland (or
Moilas oy selling pizzas manufactured in Finland to Italy within the
Post by SecQrilious
.or ... is it just plain old-fashion lying?
Post by SecQrilious
Markku J. Saarelainen
The leader of the SOS
Even a small thorn causes festering.

Lady Chatterly

"Do you think that Alexander Mulligan, a super-eco commune resident
who takes a break from his regular commune duties and hikes all the
way into Bellingham every day in order to use Bruce Burhans' internet
account so he can engage in trivial bickering, is also a woman named
"Lady Chatterly", who does exactly the same thing?" -- Tom
